Where is the evidence that Canada is systemically racist?

White men earn less income than four of 11 visible minorities, white women less than seven of 11. It’s hard to see discrimination in that Matthew Lau, Financial Post, November 3, 2023 The idea that systemic discrimination is widespread in Canada guides federal government policy. The prime minister’s 2021 mandate letters to his cabinet ministers […]

Canada’s robust history of freedom

Mark Milke, Financial Post, August 3, 2022  Earlier this year, I stumbled across a framed copy of the Canadian Bill of Rights, the liberty-expanding law promulgated by then Prime Minister John Diefenbaker and passed by Parliament in 1960. I read the document years ago but seeing it up close reminded me of Canada’s long tradition of freedom, ranging […]

The woke utopians are wrong: Canada should be celebrated

There are many reasons to celebrate Canada on Canada Day Mark Milke, Financial Post, June 30, 2022 To understand why it’s popular among the chattering classes to trash Canada this time of year, it helps to understand the power of utopian thinking. In past centuries, utopian movements sprang from religious impulses and secular versions of […]