How the Summit Series shaped Canada: It’s not what you think

Rahim Mohamed, The Epoch Times, June 29, 2024 This Canada Day, reflecting on what it means to be Canadian, I want to take you back to the 1972 Summit Series. But not for Canada’s victory over the Soviets, but its indirect impact on an even more high-stakes drama playing out in… Uganda. In early August, […]
Identity politics destroy a country’s unity

Rima Azar and David Hunt, The Epoch Times, June 29, 2024 Canada Day is an especially good time to ask two questions: What does it mean for a new immigrant to become Canadian? And how can immigrants succeed in their new country while contributing toward making Canada more prosperous for all? We are proud Canadians, […]
How the boat people reveal what it means to be Canadian

Chuong Nguyen and David Hunt, The Epoch Times, June 28, 2024 This Canada Day, we should celebrate our country proudly and not let excessive focus on past grievances be used as an excuse to overshadow our accomplishments. Of which, Canada has many. Achievements, that is. Canada’s greatness, however, is found mostly in its quiet strengths. […]
Alberta’s pro-encampment law professors deserve a low grade

Collin May, National Post, June 25, 2024 A month back, the administrations at the Universities of Calgary and Alberta called in city police to remove their pro-Palestinian encampments. In the immediate aftermath, 19 professors from Alberta’s two law schools wrote an open letter claiming that this move was a “violent infringement of students’ right to […]
George Orwell comes to Canada

What do radicals throughout history—iconoclasts in the Protestant Reformation, angry mobs in the French Revolution, and Mao Zedong’s cultural reformers—all have in common? All attacked their civilization’s art, culture, and history. It’s happened before, and it’s happening again in Canada today. The good news is that this destruction can be countered. All it takes is […]
How did colour blindness become racist?

Chuong Nguyen and Mark Milke, True North, June 8, 2024 It turns out that there are more white Canadians in poverty than all other ethnicities combined, and yet considerable government “anti-poverty” resources exclude those Canadians on the basis of…skin colour. This comes from a new study released last week by the Aristotle Foundation. Fifty years ago, the […]
Want to defend Canada?

***A personal message from Aristotle Foundation president Mark Milke*** The Red Ensign symbolizes Canada’s war dead over generations You are more than familiar with what is popularly known as “cancel culture.” That term is now a cliché. But the reality is that attacks on Canadian history have become a chronic problem. Here’s an example. A […]
Cancel culture targets those who built Canada

Mark Milke, Toronto Sun, May 26, 2024 It’s popular these days to cancel historical figures when their views do not exactly mimic our own. For those who practice such deliberate historic amnesia, streets, bridges, and entire neighbourhoods are renamed, or statues removed, to satisfy an Orwellian need to block out what is assumed to be […]
Alberta’s new curriculum chooses evidence over fads

David W. Livingstone, Edmonton Journal, May 31, 2024 One would hope that teaching kids a coherent body of knowledge, including important historical facts and events, is a goal widely shared by educators and parents. Yet for too long, education elites have wedded themselves to theories that downplay the importance of acquiring knowledge: discovery-learning, experiential learning, […]
Poverty and Race in Canada: Facts about Race, Discrimination, and the Poor

Introduction Drawing a link between poverty and discrimination is common in Canadian policymaking. The federal government’s anti-racism strategy states that anti-black racism is a cause of high black poverty rates in Canada,1 and its anti-poverty strategy mentions racism as a reason why people from visible minority groups experience poverty. The federal anti-poverty strategy therefore proposes […]
We owe our civilization to Sir Winston Churchill

David Bercuson, Calgary Herald, May 22, 2024 Put the words “Winston Churchill defaced” into Google and scan the pictures that come up: A Churchill statue covered in red paint, or another boxed up to preserve it from being defaced. Then there are the words used (by some) to describe Churchill today: imperialist, racist, empire lover. […]
It’s spring in Canada: Get thee to a garden

John Weissenberger, The Epoch Times, May 22, 2024 It’s finally spring in Canada and that means we can at last go green, but not like post-modern Gaia worshippers. Rather, we can partake in the timeless pastime of gardening, connecting to both the natural world and one of your own design. It’s hard to overstate the […]
Let’s build on the past by honouring it

Mark Milke, Calgary Herald, May 18, 2023 It’s popular these days to cancel historical figures when their views do not exactly mimic our own. Thus, for those who practice such deliberate historic amnesia, streets, bridges, and entire neighbourhoods are renamed, or statues removed, to satisfy an Orwellian need to block out what is assumed to […]
Stop canceling Canada: Sign our petition!
How to think about history: All of us are imperfect. That includes historical figures and all of us alive today, and future generations will also find fault with us. Thus, the proper way to think about historical figures is to ask: “Did they help build a free, flourishing Canada?” To Canadian governments Source: The 1867 […]
Sir John A. Macdonald saved more indigenous lives than any other prime minister

An excerpt from The 1867 Project that also appeared in the National Post. Given that he died in 1891, the facts of Sir John A. Macdonald’s life are unchangeable. The story of his life, however, has changed dramatically. For most of Canada’s history, Macdonald was considered a nation-builder worthy of celebration and veneration. Today he is a […]