The Aristotle Foundation for Public Policy is a new think tank that aims to renew a civil, common-sense approach to public discourse and public policy in Canada.
A Canada where the sacrifices and successes of past generations are cherished and built upon; where citizens value each other for their character and merit; and where open inquiry and free expression are prized as the best path to a flourishing future for all.
We champion reason, democracy, and civilization so that all can participate in a free, flourishing Canada.
Ideas—what people believe—come first in any change for ill or good. We will challenge ideas and policies where in error and buttress ideas anchored in reality and excellence.
The ancient Greek philosopher asserted that reality and reason matter to solving problems; ancient Greece was an incubator for experiments in democracy; Athenian citizens debated justice and the good life. All such elements—reason, democracy, and civilization—yet matter today to human flourishing.
Everyone’s family built Canada
Most Canadians aspire to what Martin Luther King Jr. famously desired for his own country: to be judged not “by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.”
That’s why I’ve always looked at people as individuals. It is also why I have:
I’ve also tried to help others advance a freer, more flourishing Canada.
For example, I once commissioned a study on “honour killings.” It was a ground-breaking analysis about a new threat to freedom and how it affected the most vulnerable, i.e., immigrant women. It went viral and it found a champion in then-federal cabinet minister Rona Ambrose.
That type of innovative work is what the Aristotle Foundation will advance. That’s because we want to tackle modern-day problems.
We face new challenges today from those who see only past problems but not Canada’s virtues, or think Canada was created out of “privilege.”
But all our families built Canada from scratch: Just before the Great Depression, my grandmother cleaned homes in Edmonton to help her immigrant family stay afloat. In the depths of the early 1980s recession, my mom worked at a Sears coffee shop in Kelowna to pay the bills.
That’s how my family helped build Canada. Your family likely has similar stories.
If you want to help advance reason, informed history, and smart policy, please sign up, support our efforts with a charitable donation, and share our work.
Thank you,
President, The Aristotle Foundation for Public Policy
Mark Milke Ph. D. is the founder and president of the Aristotle Foundation for Public Policy. Mark is a public policy analyst and author with six books, over 70 studies, and over 1,000 columns published in the last 25 years. His policy work has been published by numerous think tanks in Canada and internationally, including the Fraser Institute, the Montreal Economic Institute, American Enterprise Institute, Heritage Foundation, and Brussels-based Centre for European Studies. He is editor of the Aristotle Foundation’s first book, The 1867 Project: Why Canada Should Be Cherished–Not Cancelled. Mark is also the past-president of the Sir Winston Churchill Society of Calgary where he drove ahead the commissioning, fundraising, and installation of a statue of Churchill in Calgary on June 6, 2024—the 80th anniversary of D-Day. His sixth book, The Victim Cult: How the culture of blame hurts everyone and wrecks civilizations is an Amazon bestseller. You can find Mark’s columns in media across Canada including in the National Post, Globe and Mail, Maclean’s and also in the United States in National Review.
Sam Stopp is the development manager for the Aristotle Foundation, focused on donor relations including keeping our supporters “in the loop” on the impact our young think tank is having in the world of ideas, education, and public policy. One of Sam’s specialties is to help to build organizations from the ground up into successful and lasting operations. Originally from the United Kingdom, prior to moving to Canada with his family in 2023, Sam was a Labour councillor in London between 2014 and 2018. During that time, he was a key voice in calling out and challenging the rise of antisemitism in the British Labour Party, from which he resigned over that issue. Sam has a degree in History and Politics from the highly-respected University of Warwick in England. His first role following university was with world’s leading data marketing company, dunnhumby, where he was responsible for the management of a UK-wide data marketing account for the grocery chain, Tesco, and its suppliers. Sam has held roles in various industries as a political or business consultant, including the pharmaceutical sector and in crisis communications (for companies such as Nestle, for example). He spent four years as the key political adviser to the chief executive on the £10 billion Lower Thames Crossing project (the largest road-building project in the United Kingdom for a generation). He also played a key role in building up Kanda Consulting to help make it the largest consultancy in London focused on the politics of planning.
David Hunt, BBA & MPP is the Research Director for the Aristotle Foundation for Public Policy. David has deep and wide experience including as an entrepreneur, business consultant, and as a director of education programs. David has published over one dozen peer-reviewed research studies, written dozens of columns, hosted multiple forums on education, given dozens of speeches on education-related topics including on the benefits of school choice, and has been widely interviewed by the media over the past decade. Three of David’s research papers have been submitted as evidence and/or referenced by experts in court (or court submissions), including to the Supreme Court of Canada. David also teaches occasional courses at the Melville School of Business at Kwantlen Polytechnic University. David holds a Master of Public Policy from Simon Fraser University and a Bachelor of Business Administration (with distinction) from Kwantlen Polytechnic University where he was the Dean’s Medal recipient. David shepherds all Aristotle Foundation research from the idea stage to publication. Born and raised in British Columbia, David and his wife and children live in Metro Vancouver. When not at the beach, David and his family regularly hike and ski in beautiful British Columbia.
Ven Venkatachalam Ph.D. is Senior Economist with the Aristotle Foundation and empirically anchors our work in data and statistics. He is an economic and social researcher with expertise in a number of areas including economic and fiscal policy, international relations, trade, energy, governance, education, immigration, tourism, and NGO matters. He has consulted for governments, NGOs, and private sector organizations across Asia, Europe, Canada, and the United States.
Danny Randell, BA (Hist.) & MPP is a researcher with the Aristotle Foundation. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in History from Ambrose University and a Master’s of Public Policy from the University of Calgary. He has worked in technology, finance, and in government, has hosted history podcasts, and is the editor of Have Rations, Will Cook! a collection of Canadian wartime recipes. His columns have been published in the National Post, Western Standard, Ottawa Citizen, and Calgary Herald.
Tamara Rosenblum helps out with the Aristotle Foundation’s marketing of its research. Tamara was the co-owner of the 45-person marketing company, Mantaray Creative, for 15 years where she was the senior strategist and creative director in charge of brand engagement initiatives, brand story development, marketing, and communications strategies. Tamara also served as the Director of Marketing and Media Relations for the Canadian Energy Centre, and has also served as the senior strategist and Chief Marketing Officer contractor for various industries.
Joanne Birce is the Aristotle Foundation’s part-time administrative coordinator and helps keep the Foundation’s work and finances organized.
Aristotle Foundation published research includes fact sheets, longer studies, and columns from a variety of scholars and research fellows:
Dr. Rima Azar is an Associate Professor of Psychology at Mount Allison University, Sackville, New Brunswick.
Dr. Peter Baehr, Fellow at the Center of Social and Political Thought, University of South Florida; formerly Research Professor in Social Theory and Dean, Head of Department, Lingnan University, Hong Kong.
Mr. Ahmad Banki is a Lecturer, Department of Economics, Dawson College Montreal.
Ms. Vivian Bercovici is the founder and publisher of, a former Canadian ambassador to Israel and former lawyer.
Dr. David Bercuson is Director Emeritus of the Centre for Military, Security and Strategic Studies at the University of Calgary.
Dr. Michael Bonner is a Canadian political consultant, and a specialist, historian, and author of two books on Iran with a doctorate in Iranian history from the University of Oxford. His most recent book is In Defense of Civilization: How Our Past Can Renew Our Present.
Ms. Anita Bromberg, LLB, is Executive Director of the Canadian Race Relations Foundation and former National Director of Legal Affairs for B’nai Brith Canada.
Dr. Barry Cooper is a Professor of Political Science at the University of Calgary, author of 35 books and 200 studies, and is a Fellow of the Aristotle Foundation for Public Policy and the Royal Society of Canada.
Dr. Roy Eappen is a Montreal endocrinologist with published work on gender transition policy in Europe including from Do No Harm Medicine.
Mr. Nadeem Esmail is an economist, entrepreneur, and policy analyst.
Dr. Janice Fiamengo is a Professor of English at the University of Ottawa.
Dr. Tom Flanagan is Professor Emeritus of Political Science and Distinguished Fellow of the School of Public Policy at the University of Calgary.
Mr. Michel Jacques Gagné is a tenured lecturer in the Humanities department of Champlain College Saint-Lambert near Montreal.
Ms. Marjorie Gann, M. Ed., is the author of history books for children and young adults and the co-author of Five Thousand Years of Slavery and Speak a Word for Freedom: Women Against Slavery.
Dr. Bruce Gilley is a Professor of Political Science and Urban and Public Affairs at Portland State University.
Dr. David M. Haskell is an Associate Professor, Faculty of Liberal Arts, at Wilfrid Laurier University.
Dr. Patanjali Kambhampati is a Professor in the Department of Chemistry at McGill University.
Dr. Borys M. Kowalsky is a former professor of liberal arts at Georgian College of Applied Arts and Technology
Dr. Lawrence M. Krauss is a world-renowned theoretical physicist, commentator, bestselling author and president of The Origins Project Foundation. Prof. Krauss’ professorships and distinguished research appointments include institutions such as Harvard University, Yale University, University of Chicago, Boston University, University of Zurich, University of California at Santa Barbara, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, the European Center for Nuclear Research (CERN), Case Western Reserve University, Australian National University, Arizona State University, and New College of Humanities.
Mr. Matthew Lau, CFA is a financial analyst and adjunct scholar at various think tanks.
Dr. J. Edward Les is a Calgary pediatrician with a research interest in the literature on teenage gender transition.
Peter MacKinnon OC, KC, is a former dean of law and served as president of the University of Saskatchewan, Athabasca University and Dalhousie University. He is a co-editor or sole author of seven books; the latest is Confronting Illiberalism: A Canadian Perspective.
Dr. Patrick Malcolmson is Professor Emeritus Department of Political Science St. Thomas University.
Mr. Collin May is a lawyer and Adjunct Lecturer in Community Health Sciences at the University of Calgary, with degrees in law (Dalhousie University), a Masters in Theological Studies (Harvard) and a Diplome d’etudes approfondies (Ecole des hautes etudes, Paris).
Dr. John Merrifield is a Professor Emeritus of Economics at the University of Texas at San Antonio.
Dr. Martin Mrazik is Associate Chair of the Faculty of Education at the University of Alberta.
Dr. Waller R. Newell is a Professor of Political Science and Philosophy at Carleton University and Adjunct Fellow of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies in Washington, D.C.
Dr. Zachary Patterson is a full professor at Montreal’s Concordia University Institute for Systems Engineering. In addition to his core academic research expertise in transportation, he works on Canadian higher education reform.
Prof. Bruce Pardy is a professor of law at Queen’s University.
Mr. Greg Piasetzki is a Toronto-based intellectual property lawyer, a Fellow of the Intellectual Property Institute of Canada, and a citizen of the Metis Nation of Ontario.
Dr. John Robson is an adjunct professor at Augustine College (Ottawa), historian, author, columnist, and documentary filmmaker.
Mr. Joseph Quesnel is a policy analyst with a focus on indigenous issues.
Ms. Raheel Raza is President of the Council for Muslims Facing Tomorrow.
Ms. Rupa Subramanya is an economist and National Post columnist.
Dr. Jim Swaffield is an Assistant Professor in the Faculty of Business at Athabasca University.
Dr. Ven Venkatachalam is a Senior Policy Analyst at the Canadian Energy Centre.
John Weissenberger, Ph.D., is a petroleum geologist and executive. He is currently also an Adjunct Professor at the University of Alberta, has managed industrial/academic research partnerships, served on the boards of two federal granting agencies and a major university.
Dr. L. Daniel Wilson is an Assistant Professor and Chair in Business Law & Regulation, Faculty of Law, University of Calgary.
Mr. Adam Zivo is a policy analyst and journalist.
Mr. Troy DeSouza, founder, Dominion GovLaw LLP
Mr. David Hood, CEO of geoLOGIC systems
Dr. Mark Milke, President and Founder, Aristotle Foundation for Public Policy
Dr. Jack Mintz, economist and founder of the University of Calgary School of Public Policy
Mr. Kim Moody, founder and CEO, Moodys Tax / Moodys Private Client
Mr. Patrick Ward, President and CEO, Aqua Solutions Inc.
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are signs that are each alone and in combination are being used as unregistered trademarks owned by the Aristotle Foundation. All rights reserved.