The Aristotle Foundation exists to make people think.
With your help, we will ensure that facts, history, and common-sense ideas inform policy, and shape democracy in Canada.
For more, download our Case for Support which explains who we are, our vision and our mission.
The Aristotle Foundation is the “David” up against more than a few anti-reality “Goliaths” in government, education, and the media.
How much you donate is all about how many “stones” and “slingshots” in the battle of ideas you want to help supply us and your fellow Canadians with. We sincerely appreciate every donation.
Charitable donations to the Aristotle Foundation can be made online using our secure donor forms or by mail. You may also donate securities. Our charitable number is: 78832 1107 RR0001.
OPTION 1: Want to donate + get our book, The 1867 Project: Why Canada Should Be Cherished – Not Cancelled? DONATE HERE.
OPTION 2: Want to donate + get The Victim Cult book? DONATE HERE.
OPTION 3: Want to donate + get a Red Ensign flag keepsake? DONATE HERE.
OPTION 4: Want to donate, but don’t want our merchandise? DONATE HERE.
Our secure online donation forms are powered by DonorPerfect.
To donate by mail, simply fill out our printer-friendly PDF and send your payment to our mailing address.
Aristotle Foundation for Public Policy
P.O. Box 84014
Calgary, Alberta
T3A 5C4
The Aristotle Foundation for Public Policy is a registered Canadian charity. Our charitable number is: 78832 1107 RR0001. All donations will receive a tax receipt.
Need help with a donation?
For assistance in making a donation, including banking and securities transactions, please contact the administrator Joanne Birce via our contact form here.
The logo and text are signs that each alone and in combination are being used as unregistered trademarks owned by the Aristotle Foundation. All rights reserved.
The Aristotle Foundation for Public Policy is a registered Canadian charity. Our charitable number is: 78832 1107 RR0001.