Canada is open, diverse, and full of opportunity, so why is it under attack?

From assaults on historical figures such as John A. Macdonald to cancel culture and charges that Canada is a genocidal nation-state, the country that every generation and every immigrant built is now facing routine and corrosive attacks…
Today’s blame culture is wrecking civilization—and it’s getting worse.

In this wide-ranging look at why societies fail or succeed, Aristotle Foundation president Mark Milke explains how victim cults arise: Relentless blame of others, faulty moral reasoning, and misguided identity politics…
Imagine being tortured for your identity. Roy Ratnavel explains his own story and why categorizing others by race, ethnicity or religion is so dangerous.

Imagine being 17 and tortured for your identity, losing your father at about the same time, and yet refusing to go through life thinking like a victim…